Jeanyoon Choi

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A Psychology behind sneak-peeking other's AVOD in airplanes

3/31/2024, 2:35:53 PM | Jeanyoon Choi

A Psychology behind sneak-peeking other's AVOD in airplanes
Original Notes (Pre-LLM)

Famous meme → It’s funnier to sneak-peek other’s AVOD (movies, sports, etc.) rather than looking at my own. Even if the movie that other person is watching looks funny, if I look at it with my screen, not funny. The same kind of applies in undergrounds → For me it is funnier to sneak peek other’s smartphones than to look at mine. … Why?

PHYSICALITY, a sense of spatial connection with the stranger. Obv the content on my screen is just about the content itself. Other’s contents in other’s screens → More spatial obstacles, more screens and AVODs, looking at movies which goes beyond my normal preference/choices, blended with a kind of tension that I might get caught sneak peeking, all happening with the physical space - Beyond just the digital audio-visual contents. All within the area of ‘uncertainty’ and ‘randomness’ that happens naturally within the domain of the physical world, not in an algorithmic pre-defined digital world. Ironically, the true value of digital content is realised within the physical world.

What I’m trying to do with Multi-Device Web Artwork is bring this sense of physicality on top of the existing combination of digital content. To help people connect to the real world whilst leveraging the benefits of digital content. To prevent us from losing connection to the real world whilst being immersed so much in algorithm-generated trash, and help us to find again the very human, natural nature and desire to interact with the real physical world- Just as how we like to sneak peek other’s contents in planes.

An idea → How about a distributed audio-visual symphony made out of a plane’s 180 AVODs, changing & synchronising in real-time? Maybe DJ might be playing the music, and 180 AVODs alter their contents/visual accordingly. Maybe 180 people are playing one big simple game where they can all unite, or they can fight together in two big groups. Maybe more subtle poetic audio-visual → Very subtle enough to help people sleep during the plane. So many possibilities, both within interactive/non-interactive domains. So many new experience, a new experience that will unite passengers on board, yet to come. This will truly create unforgettable experiences…

Same might be true for undergrounds, trains, buses, or any sort of public space where anonymity is currently ruling, but yet where people are open to communicate & connect with each other (who’s in the physical space) rather than just looking at phones, killing time. This will potentially bring us back the communal feeling, a sense of humaneness, and overall, our natural self-desire of connecting the domain of the real, rather than the fake.

English Version (LLM-Generated)

As an art and technology researcher, I find humor in observing what digital content others are consuming on their devices, whether on planes or in trains. The content itself may not be inherently funny, but the pull towards the unknown, the possibility of being caught and the contrast with the drabness of my own screen can be entertaining. I attribute this dynamic to the intertwined relationship between digital content and the physical space in which it's accessed. There's an undercurrent of unforeseen and unpredictable elements that arise naturally within the physical world, outside the preordained parameters of the digital realm. Paradoxically, I come to appreciate the intrinsic value of my digital content in these scenarios.

I believe that introducing a level of physicality can enhance digital content. Through my Multi-Device Web Artwork, I'm exploring ways to promote connection with the physical world while maximizing the advantages of digital content. In our world where information is algorithmically-generated and sometimes devoid of human input, my aim is to rekindle our instinctive interaction with the physical world. A concept I'm wrestling with is how to orchestrate a shared audio-visual experience involving numerous screens on a plane. I'm envisioning a DJ altering visuals based on the music or passengers playing a collective game. The aim is to foster memorable experiences that unite people.

I believe this principle can be applied to any public space where people operate in anonymity, be it undergrounds, buses, or parks. Underneath their phone-gazing exteriors, I believe people are eager to connect and communicate with others in their vicinity. Introducing shared digital-physical experiences can recall a sense of community and humanity, fostering real-world connections. Ultimately, my goal is to balance our interaction with the real and the digital, hoping to foster meaningful interactions that transcend the borders of both.

Korean Version (LLM-Generated)

다른 사람의 AVOD(영화, 스포츠 등)를 훔쳐보는 게 제 것을 볼 때보다 재미있는 것 같다는 유명한 말이 있습니다. 타인이 보고 있는 영화가 웃기게 보일지라도, 제 화면으로 본다면 그렇지 않습니다. 이는 지하철에서도 마찬가지입니다. 제 휴대폰을 볼 때보다 다른 사람의 것을 훔쳐보는게 더 재미있습니다. 이유가 뭘까요?

그것은 바로 '물리적 존재감', 낯선 사람과의 공간적 연결감 때문입니다. 물론 제 화면의 내용은 그 자체의 콘텐츠에 관한 것입니다. 반면 다른 사람의 화면, 그들의 콘텐츠, 더 많은 장애물, 화면, AVOD들, 제 평소 선호나 선택을 벗어나는 영화를 보는 건 제가 들킬 수도 있는 긴장감과 함께 일어납니다. 이는 순전히 아날로그, 물리적 세계에서 일어나는 '불확실성'과 '임의성' 영역 내에서 이뤄지며, 사전에 정의된 디지털 세계가 아닙니다. 아이러니하게도, 디지털 콘텐츠의 진정한 가치는 물리적 세상에서 실현됩니다.

제가 지향하는 Multi-Device Web Artwork은 이렇게 디지털 콘텐츠의 조합 위에 물리적 존재감을 더하는 것입니다. 디지털 콘텐츠의 장점을 활용하면서 사람들이 현실 세계와 연결되게끔 돕는 것이죠. 우리가 알고리즘에 의해 생성된 쓰레기에 너무 몰입해 현실 세계와의 연결을 잃지 않게 하고, 우리가 실제 물리적 세계와 상호작용하려는 인간의 본성과 욕구를 다시 찾게 돕는 것입니다. 이것이 바로 비행기 안에서 남의 콘텐츠를 훔쳐보는 것을 좋아하는 이유입니다.

생각해보면, 비행기의 180개 AVOD에서 만들어진 실시간으로 변화하고 동기화되는 분산 오디오비주얼 교향곡은 어떨까요? 아마도 DJ가 음악을 틀고, 180개의 AVOD가 각각의 내용과 시각을 변경할 수 있습니다. 아니면 180명의 사람들이 하나의 큰 단순한 게임에서 모두 통합되거나 두 개의 큰 그룹에서 함께 싸울 수도 있습니다. 아니면 더 미묘한 시적인 오디오비주얼이 비행기 안에서 사람들이 잠들게 도와주는 것일수도요. 상호작용적이거나 아닌 영역에서의 수많은 가능성들이 있습니다. 이 모든 것들이 승객들을 하나로 묶어주는 새로운 경험을 만들어냅니다.

지하철, 기차, 버스와 같은 곳이나, 익명성이 지배하고 있는 공공장소에서도 마찬가지일 것입니다. 사람들이 휴대폰을 만지며 시간 죽이기보다는 물리적 공간에 있는 사람들과 소통하고 연결하는 것에 더 열려있을 수 있죠. 이것은 우리에게 공동체의 느낌, 인간성의 감각을 되찾아줄 수 있습니다. 무엇보다, 우리의 자연스러운 욕구인 현실 세계와의 연결을 되찾아주겠죠.





Multi-Device Web Artwork

Human Connection

Real World



Public Space



Real vs Fake


Text written by Jeanyoon Choi

Ⓒ Jeanyoon Choi, 2024